Power BI Reporting

A successful introduction of a new analytical report within an organization requires technical expertise, development speed and skillful stakeholders’ management. Therefore, my Power BI Report Launch includes report development lead by an Power BI expert, user training, additional skills upgrade for your local Power BI developers as well as monthly support. The combination of all the steps together with my experience, flexibility and resources assures a successful report launch. 

Effective Power BI launch means...
✔️the report is being used by intended stakeholders for effective decision-making
✔️displayed data and KPIs have a clear purpose and provide value
✔️functionalities, filters and interaction options are intuitive and actively used
✔️maintenance and minor report improvements are straightforward
✔️the data model has potential to extend further (additional data, report pages)

Why is it important to Launch Power BI Reports the right way?

Skipping some steps in report development or rushing through the process can lead to incomplete insights, inefficient reporting, and missed opportunities. For example, quick requirement gathering and KPI assessment can result in misleading data, while lack of specialized Power BI knowledge may cause report performance issues or inadequate visualizations. User and developer training are vital for user adoption and are often forgone which can jeopardize the whole report development effort. Inadequate launch approaches risk confusing users, reducing ROI, and hindering informed decision-making as well as making any future reporting attempt harder. Our comprehensive strategy ensures a user-friendly, optimized, and impactful Power BI report that maximizes data-driven success and keep users asking for more. 

Power BI Report LIGHT

You know the KPIs you want to show, I make the report a reality

✔️Complete Power BI Report Development
✔️2 Months Report Lead Time
✔️Report Template Design
✔️Report Documentation


Everything you need for a successful Power BI report launch

✔️KPI Discovery Workshop
✔️Requirements Gathering
✔️Demo visuals and design
✔️Complete Power BI Report Development
✔️3 Months Report Lead Time
✔️Report Template Design
✔️Report Documentation
✔️User Training (up to 100)

Questions about Power BI Reporting?

Let me know! I will be in touch shortly :)